#7 The road that leads to home

2 Dec

Do not wait until it happens in your own home. Let’s make the road towards humanity.One simple thought,  ‘think it’s your home which is hostile, you will be moved towards action’.

Very thoughtful read from a new blogger. Please check!

Source: #7 The road that leads to home

Lent with kids

17 Feb

Young children have a hard time understanding Lent. One way of explaining Lent is that it’s a time to bring us closer to God. In our busy lives we fill our selves with candy, buy new toys, play video games and watch television which makes us happy but that happiness is temporary. During Lent we stop filling our lives with temporary happiness and make more room for God. The church encourages prayer, fasting and almsgiving during Lent as ways we can turn our hearts and minds to God. During this time we attempt to incorporate activities in our daily lives which will strengthen us. Many people “give up” something Peoto them for the 40 days of Lent. To learn how to sacrifice or give up things is a way of learning unselfishness.

How to teach kids about Ash Wednesday?

17 Feb

What is Ash Wednesday?

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday is observed by fasting, abstinence from meat and repentance.

Lent : Lent start on Ash Wednesday and it occurs 40 days ( not counting sundays) before Easter. People attend mass on this day. Ashes are placed on the forehead in the sign of a cross as a sign of repentance.

Ashes : Ashes are gathered from the burning of the previous year’s palms from Palm sunday.

Planning for college – here are some tips

13 May

How to get into Harvard or any college?

In general every colleges want interested and motivated students

1, Inculcate Good Study Habits
2, Conduct Your Own Research and work with your educational consultant
3, Discuss with Your Teachers
4, Conduct a SWOT Analysis
5, Take up Extra Courses
6, Learn a Foreign Language
7, Take Part in Extracurricular Activities

Point to consider: 20140508_182821

• Decide on college according to your interest. Is that college worth? Choose college that delivers high value for the dollars spent.
• A, Who’s teaching? – taught by professors or teaching assistants.
• B, Who’s rating and what they are rating? Are they rating for social life or the education they get. Check http://www.uwire.com
• C, Who’s staying in? the number of students who remain enrolled at college from freshman to sophomore year is key.
• In most case, No Financial aid is provided, if parent’s salary is above $150000.
• Try to get into IVY league. (The Ivy League is a collegiate athletic conference comprising sports teams from eight private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States. The conference name is also commonly used to refer to those eight schools as a group. The eight institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University. )
• When you enter middle school, start preparing for college. Make Harvard as your goal – aim for best then you will land in your dream college.
• To get into college your need
1. Academic,
2. Talent & activities,
3. Personal essay and
4. Letter of support

Academics requirement in years:
Harvard VS UW
English : 4 /4
Math : 4/3
Science :4/3
Social studies 3/2
Foreign language 4/2

You can enter into Harvard or any other university even before you finish high school.

Harvard need 4.0GPA
Learn more about college admission test at https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-in/testing/5-ways-that-admission-tests-can-help-you-college-application

ACT super score : http://www.collegeadmissionspartners.com/college-testing/colleges-superscore-act/

Practice SAT multiple time. They need your best score.

Some university accept ACT score, but not Harvard.

There is something called SAT2

Act test score: 33 -34 is best then they can’t reject your application
SAT :750 or more then they can’t reject your application.

Talents and activities: (extracurricular activities)

• Colleges are interested in learning about any activities that help develop a student’s talents, interests, and strengths.
• Colleges want to know how students spend their time outside of school and often work is part of it.
• While there is no required amount of community service for college admission, students should list any outside service they have completed.
• While many of these activities are generally recognized, students should take time to explain their participation. Do not assume colleges will be familiar with every group or organization.
• Like Sports, Business, Music, debate team, community service and math and technology team.
Extracurricular Activities College consider:
1, School Clubs and Sports – National Honor Society, soccer, debate, newspaper, French club, math team, baseball, cheerleading, theater, spirit club, and other school-based organizations.
2, Non-School Based Groups – Boy and Girl Scouts, club sports teams, and religious youth groups.
3, Community Service
4, Employment – occasional babysitting, summer employment, or even unpaid internships.
5, other activities: during high school participate in various Contest, summer programs.

Contest examples:
Math Olympiads – starts elementary level
Math counts
AMC – American mathematics competition
High school Math meets
*** There are no Calculus in above math contests.

Capital science and engineering fair
Science Olympiad
Intel science talent search
First Robotics competition
Science competition

Some local university (like University of Wisconsin) will allow students to participate in lab, other science class.

Join summer programs during high school. ** try to get the free summer programs.
SRIP (summer research Internship program) – to join reach school teacher.
RSI (Research science institute) – very tough to get in. Take place in MIT.
SSP (Summer science program)– paid
TASP (Telluride Association Summer Program) summer program for Junior
BEZOS (Bezos Scholars Program) leadership program

Personal essay:
1. Just write about yourself. The best admissions essays are the ones in which students are able to reveal something personal about themselves and how it has affected their learning.
2. Don’t over sell yourself, DON’T List your accomplishments
3. Don’t try to impress them with length
4. Pick an experience that relates to the department you want to attend
5. Write about why u choose “Harvard”
6. Start drafting essay when you enter high school.
Check more details at http://www.examiner.com/article/five-steps-to-writing-a-great-college-essay

Letter of support:
1. get 1-4 letters from known teacher
2. Select teacher from high school, select from your summer program or from extra class who can give you unique letter.
Check more at https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-in/your-high-school-record/how-to-get-a-great-letter-of-recommendation

***** consider applying early ?? About 450 colleges offer early admission plans. Under these plans, students can apply to colleges early — well before the usual deadline — and get a decision early. check more details at

Additional websites for reference:

Easy way to teach a kid to tell time

23 Jan


Teaching a kid to tell time can be tricky, however it is essential to his or her life. My daughter learnt to tell time in a day. I have quoted the steps below which helps a kid to tell time. Encourage them to practice it by playing Time games, don’t turn this into a chore.

1. Make a Clock in a paper

2. Start with hour

3. Teach 5 times table

4. Play Time games

5. Quiz

Helpful online links to teach time.

Have fun to tell time!

Kids art/craft websites – get ideas and have fun creating

16 Jan


Home Page










http://www.allfreekidscrafts.com/Recycled-Kids-Crafts/T-Shirt-Tote/ct/1 — for crafts

http://www.craft-craft.net/easy-drawing-lessons-for-kids.html — for drawing lessons

Songs for classroom

15 Jan



Cooking website just for kids

14 Jan

Cooking is fun activity for kids. When kids learn to cook, they learn to follow directions, improve basic math, learn to work as team. Cooking is most valuable life skill. Cooking encourage healthy eating and living.

Children as young as 3 can begin learning to cook.

Here are some websites list for kids recipe:


Free High school curriculum – Website list

14 Jan





Christian Homeschool Curriculum — Old Fashioned Education




Website list – Free curriculum for 2-3 year olds

14 Jan




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