Tag Archives: Arts and crafts

Kids art/craft websites – get ideas and have fun creating

16 Jan


Home Page










http://www.allfreekidscrafts.com/Recycled-Kids-Crafts/T-Shirt-Tote/ct/1 — for crafts

http://www.craft-craft.net/easy-drawing-lessons-for-kids.html — for drawing lessons

How to make ????

16 Sep

Want to start hobby? keep you busy? Check this amazing website.


How Arts and Crafts Help Reach Developmental Goals

21 Jun

How Arts and Crafts Help Reach Developmental Goals in Children??

1. Cognitive Development (Thinking)

2. Emotional Development (Feeling)

3. Social Development (Relating)

4. Sensory-Motor Development (Coordinating)

Arts & Crafts Develop Thinking Skills

• Problem-solving skills develop from experimenting with a wide range of arts and crafts materials.
• Decision making is constant and continuous in assembling and decorating projects.
• Visual thinking skills and three-dimensional information processing are exercised in the process of assembling materials.

Arts & Crafts Develop Feeling Skills

• Self-expression is the foundation of art making.
• Crisis intervention art is something you can use to help children handle stress and the trauma of any community crisis.
• Sensory stimulation from art materials awakens children’s five senses and teaches a healthy outlet for pleasure and satisfaction.

Arts & Crafts Develop Relating Skills

• Sharing of art materials requires social interaction and cooperation.
• Cooperation inherent in art activities encourages relationship building and friendship skills.
• Shy or less verbal children can participate comfortably and be more active in a non-competitive environment like the art room.

Arts & Crafts Develop Coordinating Skills

• Fine motor skills are developed using a wide range of arts crafts materials, craft accessories, and art room tools.
• Eye-hand coordination prepares children for real life tasks at school and home.
• Self-esteem correlates positively with a child’s sense of physical coordination and mastery.

Source : http://www.earlychildhoodnews.com/earlychildhood/article_view.aspx?ArticleID=80

Art and Craft for Children

20 Jun

Arts and crafts teach children to learn in different ways and approach problems and challenges creatively. The process of creating art helps students get in touch with a different side of themselves that they aren’t able to access in other subjects like math and science. According to the Raise Smart Kids website, arts and crafts programs are often the first programs cut from school budgets during hard financial times and this can impact a child’s learning process.

1, Brain Function
2, Creativity and Imagination
3, More Likely to Succeed
4, Builds Confidence

Read more: The Importance of Arts and Crafts for School Children | eHow http://www.ehow.com/info_7993980_importance-arts-crafts-school-children.html#ixzz2WimCnH2z

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